April 14, 2011

What to do

For those of you who know me well, and even those of you who know me a little, you know that I have seriously varied interests. And I constantly go through phases of passionate interest for each thing. One summer I was addicted to everything Beatles. They're all I listened to, all I read about, all I Googled, all I TALKED about. While the Beatles are still my favorite band, my obsession has died down to a normal level of interest in the band. Recently I was gung-ho about writing a memoir based on the crazy things that have happened in my life in the past six months and the decisions that have been made because of said events. Now I just think that I will write a current blog about the things going on, rather than go full on into writing a book. One summer I taught myself crochet; this past year I was an embroiderer. I think that life is too short to do one thing and one thing only. Try everything! And do it passionately! In college and after I thought I would be a marketer, then a writer. Now I'm trying my hand in the animal kingdom, hopefully pursuing an additional bachelor's degree in Fisheries and Wildlife so I can pursue my lifelong dream of being a dolphin trainer - or at least working full time with animals. And I hope to combine my animal knowledge with my writing skills in the future, either in books or articles that are pertinent to what my career is.

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